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What is the Fhrototype?

Fhrototype’s were created with the intent to empower women to wear their power, confidence, boldness and courageousness in a physical feature, no matter the difficulties we face internally. You see, as a woman, we face challenges with child bearing, domestic violence, racism, self-hate, jealousy, being lowballed, sexual assaults, harassment and the list goes on. Due to the many difficulties, it constantly feels like an attempt to break us down. Therefore, we have no choice but to put on a mask, suppress those issues and move in silence.

Creating these pieces have provided a new definition of self-love by accentuating a physical feature. I chose to highlight my hair because for a long time, I relaxed my roots with hopes of it being straight and pretty. I’ve learned how to appreciate my coarse, tight curled hair as time grew and have managed to try different protective styles that still make me feel very beautiful! I change my hair up frequently and love every inch of it because it is a part of my cultural heritage.

Which one represents me in this moment?

The Fhrototype's are special because they embody the different versions of who I was, am and will grow to be. With that, they are designed to be an instant reflection in someone else. For some, this may not be the case. One Fhrototype may speak louder than the other, but, what matters is the connection that is experienced when being intimate with the piece. So ask yourself, “What can I do to enhance my confidence, courage, power and boldness on a daily basis that will support me in feeling great about the woman I am?” Find your strength. Now wear it!!

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1 Comment

Nov 30, 2020

Love, Love, Love this! We get to be exactly who we are and celebrate us! Cheers to the Fhrototypes!

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